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Brentmoor Manor House - Devon

Today all that remains of Brentmoor Manor House is old stone foundations. All you can make out is where certain doorways were once situated when this building was in full use.

Kevin Hynes

Brentmoor Manor House - Devon

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Today all that remains of Brentmoor Manor House is old stone foundations.

The house is situated upon a level area with the river Avon running just adjacent to the building. Brentmoor was located in the centre of a 3000 acre estate in its prime in the 18th Century, having many uses over the years. It was once used as a farm, a holiday home between the first and second World Wars and later became a Hostel. Unfortunately the house was demolished in 1968 by the new owners who were the local Water Company. I have visited this site on a number of occasions, the first being with my good friend Byron Jackson.

It was a cold crisp moonless night in November 2012, Byron and myself walked along the pathway towards Brentmoor Manor House. There was an eerie silence as we drew closer to the house, the sound of the river Avon flowing over the rocky river bank was all that we heard with the occasional sound of an owl amongst the trees. We became closer as the torch light silhouette cast upon the old abandoned ruins of Brentmoor Manor House. As I walked amongst the remnants of the old walls I developed a feeling that we were not alone. I decided to turn to the trusty dowsing rods to see if I could gain any further information through dowsing in the area. I had indeed picked up upon two promenant spots, which I believed were relevant. Byron confirmed that both of these areas in the past have been points of interest. I also picked up on a male and female spirit, the male came across as a menacing character and had a strong dislike to women; the female spirit was located by one of the entrance doors and swiftly moved towards the bank leading to the river Avon. I had the impression in my mind’s eye that the female had some connection with the river. Byron went on to explain that Brentmoor was known to be the haunt of a mournful spirit, who was a nanny at the house. It is said that she smothered an infant child many years ago and through guilt she walked down to the river and drowned herself in its icy cold depths. Since this day it has been known that the mournful spirit re-enacts her sinister crime prior to walking down to the river Avon. Another female associated to Brentmoor Manor House is Margaret Meynell who tragically passed in a riding accident which took place in 1865. There is a memorial hidden beneath the foliage and flowers located to the west of the house.


Although hidden the memorial reads:

March 27th 1865
 My lovely little Lily
 thou were gathered very soon
 In the fresh and dewy morning
 not in the glare of noon
 The saviour sent his angels
 To bear thee hence my own
 And they`ll plant thee in that garden
 where decay is never known

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