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How To Capture EVP

EVP are mystifying, for to capture an intelligent response requires that the responder must have heard, understood and have the ability to produce a voice in order to reply.

Haunted Devon

How To Capture EVP

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To capture EVP’s, you need a recording device such as a mobile phone, Dictaphone, that can upload audio files to a pc/laptop/tablet. 

Capturing EVP is easy and requires minimal kit and expense.

Some people like to perform an EVP session where questions are asked with a pause to allow spirits energies to answer. The type of questions asked are usually to establish an era, sex, name, whether spirit lived or worked there, which monarch reigned, etc., This can be a bit like an interrogation, it is more common to capture EVP when having a conversation among the team or when just calling out questions enquiring about people’s lives in a friendly, polite manner, asking about their family, type of work, if they lived locally, whether they attended the local church or political thoughts, if applicable, etc. in the same manner you would of a person you just met and trying to converse with.

Once you have recorded your vigil, you will need to upload the audio on to a laptop or pc and download the free audio software Audacity or purchase Adobe Audition. 


Audacity allows labelling of selected sections on the audio file display which is handy when marking out specific team movement or activities to help tag vigils etc, and of course EVP and other noises of interest. 

It also provides a selection of cleaning tools such as, the removal of background, this could be team voices, noise made by people moving from location, machinery, hiss and others to enhance and clarify EVP.

Sounds of interest and be played back several times for clarification and if required white, pink, and brown noise can also be removed to “tidy up” and sharpen what was captured and with the adjust of gain, bass and treble can bring sounds more to the fore front. File segments can be duplicated if required.

For further information on how to tidy up an EVP using Audacity please read our Cleaning And Finding EVP And Other Sounds article.

Any uncertainty of voices can be cross referenced with voice recognition software that can eliminate group members.

Different classification of EVP.

Class A EVP are crystal clear and can be mistaken for someone in the room. The only indication that it isn't, can be the voice, speech, accent, and randomness of whats said.

Class B EVP are not as easily heard or as clear and require some work.

Class C EVP require a lot of work to draw out of the audio and sometimes are not worth the effort.

When listening for EVP some sounds are heard said at speed so slowing down the sound can make it easier to comprehend what is said for clearly. Alternatively, some spoken slowly or more drawn out and can be easily understood when sped up.

Sometimes a difference in resonance can be noticed in relation to the surrounding audio.For additional validation one can see if the EVP ties in with activities, speech, sensations of people at the time of capture.

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