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“A good mix of likeminded people. Always entertaining. Serious investigation with added humour and kindness. Fantastic”. Andrew Lawrence May 23rd, 2017

Haunted Devon

Frequenty Asked Questions.

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If you are interested in joining but have a few questions hopefully you'll find the answers here. If not contact us and we will be happy to help.

How much is membership and how long is it for?

Membership is £20 for single membership and £35 for couples. Membership is for one year from the day you register. Investigations are at additional cost.

How often do you investigate?

We investigate once a month. The majority of our venues are exclusive and do not wish to have any publicity. This means no mention of the venue outside of the club and includes no posting on any social media. Anyone breaking this confidence will be automatically removed from the club.

Investigations usually cost approx. £30 pp and are held on Saturday nights usually 8pm – 2am.

Refreshments by means of tea and coffee are provided where possible and occasionally if a certain person bakes, we may have cake!

Do I need to bring anything?

All you need bring is a torch, wear comfortable clothing and footwear and of course the obligatory snacks. Rumbly tums often occur and can be rather loud by nature, so we suggest a sandwich and your favourite snacks. On occasion, when we are unable to supply refreshment, we advise bring either cold drinks or a flask.

Haunted Devon will supply any equipment that is needed and supply advice on how to use it if required. If you have your own equipment, you are welcome to bring it providing it does not impact on the investigation.

This is an investigative group, so we do ask that you work as directed by our experienced and friendly team leads to aid in gathering evidence.

Do you use a medium?

Haunted Devon does not use an in-house medium. We have several members who are sensitives, and we encourage them to work together and use their own intuition.

Alongside spiritual techniques we also like to use scientific equipment to validate any environmental change that maybe a result of energy shifts or activity.

Can non-members go to investigations?

Sometimes we do open a few spaces to non-members at a non-discounted price, however currently this has been suspended and bookings are only open to members.

Who organises your events?

All our investigations are run by our experienced committee, all of whom are long standing members. The committee are always on hand to help and advise during investigations or anytime. To contact either email via the website or pm through our members Facebook page.

Do you collect or share evidence?

As an investigative group we do collect evidence. Due to the time it takes to compile reports that cover a locations history, research for validation of collected evidence and the hours spent working through media and collating validation, these are only written for selected investigations.

We do ask that members send in their personal experiences to our secretary describing any incidents they felt or witnessed to be included in the report.

These are made available to members on our website. Our interactive reports include evp and footage.

Do you have large groups?

Bookings are limited and dependent on size of venue as we do try to keep noise pollution to a minimum as vigils are recorded. On the night of an investigations we do split the group into two or three teams. Each team has a flight case packed with  kit. Other items are shared for vigils.

We use both scientific and spiritual means to investigate and we ask that you to participate if you wish. Lone vigils can be performed but we will not make you do anything that your not comfortable with.

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