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Meet the Team

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The committee consists of long-standing Haunted Devon members each with many years’ experience of investigating the paranormal.

Abbie Dent is our Chair and the glue that binds us altogether. Ensuring all runs smoothly, working closely with the committee members. Abbie also analyses all the evidence from investigations with Sallyann. She has had numerous experiences and encounters with the paranormal since early childhood and continues searching for evidence and the truth. She has a vast knowledge on many subjects as well as the scientific and spiritual side of investigations cove. Host of Lifting the Veil radio show with co-host, friend and member Martyn Hicks. A controversial show discussing the varied aspects of the weird and paranormal, which broadcasts on Soundart Radio on Thursdays at 7pm. Abbie's hobby is photography, useful when analysing and debunking paranormal photographs. She has produced some great photographs and stunning landscapes. Abbie a long-standing member and chair who has also served in numerous committee roles and is a Sensitive, picking up on spirits and residual energies.

Kelly and Ben Welsh are a husband wife team. Both have held various committee roles.

Kelly Welsh is our Vice Chair and as such assists the Chair with the running of the club and leading investigations. Her responsibilities include ensuring all our insurance policies are current, carries out the risk assessments for each investigation along with Health and Safety. She also films our investigations for Facebook LIVE.

Ben Welsh is our Treasurer and Webmaster and as such is responsible for the club’s funds, expenses and the running of the website, memberships, and event bookings. Ben is also part of our tech team assisting with transporting and setting up of equipment for investigations.


Sallyann Clench is our Secretary and her responsibilities include our social media pages: posting articles and creating events on our Facebook pages. She takes venue photographs for the website and Instagram, produces articles for the website, researches venue history, produces the investigation reports for the club and venues, uploading and hyperlinking evps on the website. Listening to all the audio files she discovers and cleans Electronic Voice Phenomena, watches the footage for anomalies and stills to be incorporated in the reports. Producing short footage/EVP videos to promote the group and as Admin she designs HD paperwork as another aspect of her role. She is a Sensitive picking up on spirits and residual energies.


Graham Chapman is an Honorary Committee Member and long-standing former chair. On hand to aid the club and the committee in any way. A man of science and member of ASSAP, like the rest of the committee always looks for a rational explanation for activity. His occupation gives him a unique insight and experience that comes in very handy.

The committee are always on hand to help and offer guidance during investigations and can be contacted at any time with any questions a member may have regarding the club.

More than just an investigative group Haunted Devon are an ever-expanding group of friends from all walks of life with just as varied beliefs and ideas from total believers in life after death, total sceptics and those amongst us with a more scientific approach considering the theory of entanglement and looking to quantum physics for answers but all sharing their passion to gather evidence. 


Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/HauntedDevon/ ,

Twitter: @haunteddevon1,

Instagram: haunteddevon

Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/HauntedDevonRadio/featured



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